Employee Matching
A matching gift from your company is an easy way to double your charitable contribution to Kathi’s K9s. Many local and national companies and corporate foundations will match their employee’s gifts to non-profit organizations.
Check to see whether your company will match our charitable donation to us! Or, encourage your company to add this fun benefit and join other companies supporting non-profits in your community
If you company offers a matching gift program:
- Contact your personnel officer
- Request you company’s matching gift form.
- Complete the matching gift form and send it in along with your donation to Kathi’s K9s. We’ll do the rest.
- You can also make your donation online and send your completed form along with a copy of your online donation receipt to Kathi’s K9s.
Encourage Philanthropy In Your Workplace
Looking for ways to engage your employees? Interested in providing interesting programs and trainings? Consider becoming involved with Kathi’s K9s! Kathi’s K9s proudly offers a workplace giving program. We are happy to come to your workplace with an animal ambassador and make presentations about the important work we do to save thousands of lives each year. To set up a workplace giving presentation, please contact Joanne Schoch (352) 683-7490 or e-mail [email protected].
Many employers sponsor workplace giving campaigns through which employees can elect to make payroll deductions to selected charities. Encourage your employer to participate in such a campaign and ask for Kathi’s K9s to be your charitable donation of choice. What an easy way to help homeless pets find the care and compassion they need!
Be sure to check if your company matches workplace gifts, enabling your donation to have greater impact.
Kathi’s K9s is grateful to those employees who donate through their workplace giving program.
Corporate Partners
Kathi’s K9s is pleased to offer our corporate partners excellent opportunities for visibility and participation! We are proud to offer sponsorship packages, workplace giving presentations, and more. The homeless pets Kathi’s K9s cares for each year are counting on your help!
Spreading the word about Kathi’s K9s good work can be as easy as a mention in your corporate publications. Your business can support us by keeping employees informed of events and activities at the shelter through employee newsletters, your corporate website or email communications. Or promote Kathi’s K9s in company e-mails, newsletters and bulletins
When your company partners with Kathi’s K9s, it is a win-win situation! That’s because being a good corporate citizen is also a good business decision.
Because we don’t receive local, state or federal tax dollars or support from national animal welfare organizations, and are not a United Way Agency we rely on these donations to make our work possible.
Interested in hosting a fundraising event?
For more information contact Joanne Schoch at (352) 683-7490 or email
We are a 501c3 charity and all donations are tax deductible.
Kathi’s K9s respects the privacy of its donors.
We do not sell or exchange any individual donor information.